The company visits will take place on Tuesday September 23 afternoon, the day before the conferences:
Option 1: PRECITEC
Tuesday September 23, 2025
Group 1 - 50 people maximum
Bus journey (Don't forget about your identity papers!)
1:30 p.m.: Meeting in front of the CCI Campus Strasbourg
5:45 p.m.: Return to the CCI Campus Strasbourg
Tuesday September 23, 2025
Group 2 - 42 people maximum
1:45 p.m.: Meet in front of AERIAL
6:30 p.m.: Cocktail at IREPA LASER
Precitec is the world leader in laser processing and quality sensor technology. From Cutting, Welding to Additive processing heads to intelligent processing concepts along the process chain to achieve the highest yield rates in production. We assist from the first idea, development, installation, training and after-sales service around the world.
As part of the PLI Conferences, we offer you a unique tour of our new premises in Gaggenau, including live demonstrations, the visit of our new clean room and discussions with our experts. We welcome you to the following stations in our application center:
- Intelligent laser scanner welding
- High performance laser cutting
- Additive manufacturing by laser metal deposition with coaxial wire addition
- Laser weld defect analytics with the Precitec Fieldsensor
- Demonstration of PRIMES laser beam characterization solutions
Welcome to IREPA LASER, where innovation and production come together to boost industrial performance!
We invite you to take an immersive tour of our workshops to discover our expertise and concrete advances. In particular, you'll have access to our additive manufacturing plant, which houses the first robotised machine to incorporate AMFREE technology, as well as our laser welding production line. Our aim is to show you how we transform innovation into mature, high-performance industrial production solutions.
A closer look at our industrial applications
During this visit, we will use live demonstrations to show you real-life applications of our technologies. You'll discover how our processes are already being used in various industrial sectors, illustrating our ability to support our customers from the development phase through to industrialisation and mass production.
>> ICUBE :
Ultrafast laser processes
Photonic instrumentation to compare in situ measurements with models of light-matter interaction, visit LaserSurf, the new ANR joint laboratory between ICube and IREPA LASER, dedicated to surface functionalization and glass welding using ultrafast lasers.
Spatial beam shaping, the contribution of AI to laser processes, non-linear beam propagation - these are just some of the topics to which ICube, the engineering, computing and imaging sciences laboratory, is contributing.
Multimodal Microscopy
Microsphere-assisted super-resolved optical profilometry, local spectroscopy capable of hyper-spectral imaging on a microscopic scale, visit the microscopic characterization facilities developed at the ICube laboratory. More than just an image, multimodality provides quantitative physical information.
Linked to the Photonics Instrumentation and Processes (IPP) team and to the C3-Fab platform, you'll see how these resources contribute to our understanding of laser-matter interaction.
Dive into the heart of innovation with a visit of Aerial, Technology Resource Center and major player in research for almost 40 years. Aerial operates in three main fields: multi-sector applications of ionization techniques, studies and expertise for the agri-food industry, and freeze-drying for bio-industries.
Located in the Strasbourg-Illkirch innovation park, our 2,000 m² facility is open to visitors, who will have the opportunity to explore our unique installations.
During your visit, you'll discover our feerix experimental irradiation facility, an infrastructure unique in the world in its configuration and vocation, which illustrates our commitment to cutting-edge technologies at the service of industrial innovation.