Guest speaker at PLI Conferences : Johan BOULLET

Guest speaker at PLI Conferences : Johan BOULLET

The PLI Conferences event will take place this year on June 18th and 19th in Bordeaux, at the Palais de la Bourse. This edition is organized in partnership with Alphanov, Alpha-RLH, Amplitude and Lasea. Eleven internationally renowned guest speakers will be present to share their expertise.

Meet one of them: Johan Boullet, Quantum Supply Chain CTO at NAQUIDIS.

- About is background

Johan BOULLET obtained his PhD in 2006 and his HDR in 2021 of the University of Limoges.

He’s a specialist of photonics expert of high power fiber laser.

After his PhD at XLIM in Limoges he spent 4 years in post-doc at CELIA in Talence at the interface of academic research (+120 international papers and conferences to date) applied to state of the art solid state laser industry (strong interaction with laser companies as EOLITE or AMPLITUDE LASER). 

Following a patent of 2009 on a new technology of blue fiber laser, he cofounded with Nicholas Traynor in 2010 Azur Light Systems, leading the R&D of a new generation of ultra-low noise fiber laser particularly suited for quantum technology (Azur Light System became TOPTICA France in 2023). 

After this company funder experience, he lead the laser business unit of ALPhANOV during 6 years from 2015 to 2021 before joining IOGS to reinforce the quantum workforce NAQUIDIS in 2022, the year of the Nobel Prize winning of Alain Aspect.

He is now the scientific responsible of Innovation of the Institute, dedicating his expertise field of Quantum & Photonics to valorize top-level academic research from Laboratoires Charles Fairy (Palaiseau), Hubert Curien (Saint Etienne) & LP2N (Talence).

- What made you want to work in this field?

Photonics and Quantum are at the cutting edge of both industrial & academic worlds. As a child I was dreaming if physics and playing with photons since 20 years seems as magic now as I was dreaming of it at 10 years old.

- How did you learn about the PLI Conferences and what does this event represent for you?

Photonics is more than a community, some of my colleagues have become close friends and something like a « professional family ». Sharing with these other passionate people last insights on R&D on strong interaction between quantum & photonics will be both a pleasure and a pride.

- What will be the subject of your conference?

I like the title of my conference which will remain up to the end a little strange… « Quantum Photonics… Every photons Count! » . In direct at Place de la Bourse in Bordeaux Wednesday 4:30PM!

>> More information about the event <<

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